Tai Global Elective Privacy Policy

This policy explains the collection, use and disclosure of personal data through this Website. In this privacy policy references to "we", "us" and "our" are to Tai Global Elective. References to "our Website" or "the Website" are to www.taiglobalelective.com

What information we collect via the Website may include:

  1. Any personal details you knowingly provide us with through forms and our email, such as name, address, telephone number and age
  2. In order to effectively process credit or debit card transactions it may be necessary for the bank or card processing agency to verify your personal details for authorization outside your country of Jurisdiction. Such information will not be transferred out of the region for any other purpose;
  3. Your preferences and use of email updates, recorded by emails we send you (if you select to receive email updates on our services); and
  4. Your IP Address, this is a string of numbers unique to your computer that is recorded by our web server when you request any page or component on the Website. This information is used to monitor your usage of the Website.

The information we collect is used to improve the content of our site and for internal review and is then discarded. We do not set any cookies.

To protect your privacy Tai Global Elective does not collect any financial information directly from you. We work with PayPal, a leading online transaction facilitator, to deal with online debit and credit card payments. Any financial information you provide to PayPal is not shared with us and never stored on our servers. Please refer to PayPal's site for information on how your financial information is handled and protected.

Your rights

You have the right to ask us not to process your personal data for marketing purposes. We will usually inform you (before collecting your data) if we intend to use your data for such purposes or if we intend to disclose your information to any third party for such purposes. You can also exercise the right at any time by contacting us at info@taiglobalelective.com

You have the right to request a copy of any information that we currently hold about you. In order to receive such information please send your contact details including address and payment of $20 to cover administration expenses to the following address: accounting@taiglobalelective.com cc info@taiglobalelective.com

What we do with your information

The details we collect will be used:

  1. To process your application and to provide after sales service.
  2. In certain cases we may use your email address to send you information on our other products and services. In such a case you will be offered the option to opt in/out before completing your purchase.

We may need to pass the information we collect to other companies for administrative purposes. We may use third parties to carry out certain activities, such as processing and sorting data, monitoring how customers use the Website and issuing our e-mails for us. Third parties will not be allowed to use your personal information for their own purposes.

Such staff maybe engaged in, among other things, the fulfillment of your application, the processing of your payment details and the provision of support services. By submitting your personal data, you agree to this transfer, storing or processing. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our site; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorized access.

Change to our Privacy Policy

Any changes we may make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail.

Other Websites

This privacy policy only covers this website. Any other websites which may be linked to by our website are subject to their own policy, which may differ from ours.

Happy Clients

Destinations Tours



It’s Time For a New Adventure! Don’t Wait Any Longer. Contact us!

What People Say About Us

Travelling and voluteering abroad has helped us to understand the meaning of life and it has helped us become better people. Each time we travel, we see the world with new eyes.

Travelling abroad was one of the best things I've ever done. With this program, we got the opportunity to immerse ourselves into the healthcare system of Kenya through our hands-on experiences in a public hospital. I also got the chance to spend time in orphanages and schools, which was not only beneficial to the kids but definitely for me as well. Additionally, we went on a safari, visited beaches, toured Old Town Mombasa and Fort Jesus, and saw the famous Mombasa elephant tusks. This trip not only allowed me to become a better future physician, but a better person overall. I greatly encourage students to participate in a program such as this; it truly is a life-changing adventure.

Courtney Cox.

Student, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona U.S.A.

My name is Nydia Orrantia and I attend The University of Arizona. I am majoring in Physiology and would like to pursue a career in Physician Assistant. I had been wanting to volunteer abroad for about three years, but being in my comfort zone had restricted me of doing so. This year I was determined to come out of my comfort zone and I started doing my research in which program would fit me better, and I came across Tai Global Elective. This program stood out for me because of the opportunities that are given to you to be able to interact so much with patients and have a great amount of hands on experience. After completing this trip I felt like it not only gave me the experience nor exposed to a different medical culture, but also had the opportunity to help a third world country with much needed assistance. I have been blessed to be given an opportunity like this and I know I was greatly committed to give my all to this experience.

Nydia Orrantia

Physiology Major, University of Arizona, Tucson

Coming to Mombasa, Kenya with Tai Global Electives has truly been a life changing experience. The program they offer really let me experience a completely different side of medicine and health care that I may have never gotten to experience where I come from, Canada. Being only a pre-med student, I want to be absolutely sure that spending the next 10 years studying medicine was right for me. This opportunity really allowed me to see what it would be like working in a hospital, with other doctors, caring for patients. During my three-week internship at Coast Provincial General Hospital I worked along side Doctors and nurses on a daily basis. I spent time in different departments such as Emergency, Minor Surgery, Surgery, and Obstetrics and Gynecology.

John Demarco

Student University of Ontario Canada

Choosing to travel with Tai Global Elective was one of the best decisions I have made for my medical career. I worked with Doctors in all medical fields and completed rotations to see what department was best suited for me. The experiences and challenges I encountered really taught me the value of medicine in a developed country. The experience was much more than I initially anticipated; it allowed me to grow as an individual and see what kind of Doctor I want to be. You learn how to handle high-pressure situations and your presence truly makes a difference in the lives of many. If you are interested in volunteer work with local orphanages like myself, Tai Global organizes trips for you to do so. The crew was incredible, they tried their best to make you feel welcomed and right at home from the day you arrived to the day you left. I highly recommend anyone going into the Health Care professional to travel to Africa and work in a public hospital. The obstacles you face and overcome will change your life. Going in with an open mind I embraced the culture and the people around me and fell in love with Africa. I’ll be back one day!

Nisha Vanmali

Student University of Ontario Canada