Medical Elective Abroad

At Tai Global Elective we believe in impacting lives positively and enriching experiences through meaningful interactions. Our programs are well structured and we ensure that you are taken through every step every step that you take while at TAG, you will have caring and concerned mentors who from the first day during your orientation will ask for and understand your objectives for the elective placement at the hospital and will do their best to ensure that you achieve these objectives.

Some of the hospitals you will be placed in have stretched resources and you should come with an open mind and don't expect much in terms of how medicine is practiced in some of the hospitals i.e. current medical equipment and medical supplies. You will need to be proactive and learn from the healthcare practitioners who will be keen to show you how they have managed to cope with the situation and save so many lives, do not be reserved, ask questions feel free and enjoy your placement.

Our Medical Programs are divided into two categories;

  1. Senior Medical Students
  2. Junior Medical Students

Senior Medical Students Placement

Senior Medical Students are those in their clinical years i.e. from year three of study. We ensure that the placement is tailored to suit your academic requirement either to qualify for a credit or just sharpening your skills in broad based learning experiences that include practical skills i.e. getting hands on with some of the procedures. Also get to help in the diagnosis of diseases such as tropical infectious diseases that you would never encounter in western countries, you will also be seeing such diseases in their latest stages like Malaria, Typhoid, HIV/AIDs.

Placements will be in different departments depending on one’s interest and requirements, such include;

  1. Internal Medicine – Male and Female Medical wards
  2. Surgery – Main Theater, I.C.U, Male and Female Surgical Wards
  3. Obstetrics and Gynecology – Caesarian Section, Labor Wards, Normal Delivery Rooms, Gynecological Wards
  4. Orthopedics – Orthopedics Wards
  5. Pediatrics
  6. Accident and Emergency – Casualty Wards, Minor Theater
  7. ENT
  8. Comprehensive Care Centre – Infectious and Communicable Diseases
  9. Anesthesia

You have a vast opportunity to learn and get to do so much as a Senior Medical Student. Senior medical program is chiefly geared to offer an immense level of hands-on experience and knowledge in the various clinical specialties.

Student placements in this program are encouraged to share knowledge with the attending Health care practitioners in the departments they will be rotating in. Since there is a huge difference in how medicine is practiced between where the student might have come from and the placement hospital which makes the interactions very interesting and enjoyable.

Junior Medical Students Program

Junior Medical Students are those who have just joined Medical School i.e. year one and two of study. We ensure that the students are natured into the correct introductory phase of Medicine; mostly Junior Medical students are a little limited in what they can do and are mostly taken through observation of procedures but still get hands on especially in the Minor Theater where minor procedures are performed especially emergency first aid care, dressing of wounds, catheter insertion, suturing, phlebotomy.

This opportunity should be taken to develop and master basic clinical skills which are the foundation of a sound medical career. Students are expected to interact with, clerk, and examine patients and formulate management of various conditions under supervision of the hospital's medical/health practitioners and consultants in various clinical specialties.

A variety of disease entities and medical conditions will be encountered in various systems and fields of medicine. A proactive liaison with the hospital staff and senior consultants is recommended.

Tai Global Elective will provide you with an opportunity to interact with medical professionals in various fields at the hospitals we place our participants. We will provide you with a mentor who will be in charge of your placement at the hospital and coordinate your program to ensure that you gain as much as possible from your Elective.

TAG’s aim is to ensure that at the end of your Junior Medical Students placement you leave with a better understanding of disease diagnostics, gain courage to pursue your Medical course with greater confidence and zeal.

The Program Include:

  1. medical internship program customized to your medical school elective requirements and clinical interests.
  2. A comprehensive pre-departure guide.
  3. Airport transfers as per different location guidelines.
  4. Designated mentors and support from local staff.
  5. Gated, safe and comfortable houses complete with in-house catering, Wi-Fi access, and support staff.
  6. Biweekly global health tutorials.
  7. Two-way transport to your clinical site.
  8. Basic Swahili lessons twice a week.
  9. Certificate of participation on program completion.
  10. Volunteer activities as per schedule by our local staff.
  11. A chance to explore and travel: safaris, excursions, and mountaineering as optional add-on activities.

For more specific questions and information about the Medical Programs please contact us via

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What People Say About Us

Travelling and voluteering abroad has helped us to understand the meaning of life and it has helped us become better people. Each time we travel, we see the world with new eyes.

Travelling abroad was one of the best things I've ever done. With this program, we got the opportunity to immerse ourselves into the healthcare system of Kenya through our hands-on experiences in a public hospital. I also got the chance to spend time in orphanages and schools, which was not only beneficial to the kids but definitely for me as well. Additionally, we went on a safari, visited beaches, toured Old Town Mombasa and Fort Jesus, and saw the famous Mombasa elephant tusks. This trip not only allowed me to become a better future physician, but a better person overall. I greatly encourage students to participate in a program such as this; it truly is a life-changing adventure.

Courtney Cox.

Student, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona U.S.A.

My name is Nydia Orrantia and I attend The University of Arizona. I am majoring in Physiology and would like to pursue a career in Physician Assistant. I had been wanting to volunteer abroad for about three years, but being in my comfort zone had restricted me of doing so. This year I was determined to come out of my comfort zone and I started doing my research in which program would fit me better, and I came across Tai Global Elective. This program stood out for me because of the opportunities that are given to you to be able to interact so much with patients and have a great amount of hands on experience. After completing this trip I felt like it not only gave me the experience nor exposed to a different medical culture, but also had the opportunity to help a third world country with much needed assistance. I have been blessed to be given an opportunity like this and I know I was greatly committed to give my all to this experience.

Nydia Orrantia

Physiology Major, University of Arizona, Tucson

Coming to Mombasa, Kenya with Tai Global Electives has truly been a life changing experience. The program they offer really let me experience a completely different side of medicine and health care that I may have never gotten to experience where I come from, Canada. Being only a pre-med student, I want to be absolutely sure that spending the next 10 years studying medicine was right for me. This opportunity really allowed me to see what it would be like working in a hospital, with other doctors, caring for patients. During my three-week internship at Coast Provincial General Hospital I worked along side Doctors and nurses on a daily basis. I spent time in different departments such as Emergency, Minor Surgery, Surgery, and Obstetrics and Gynecology.

John Demarco

Student University of Ontario Canada

Choosing to travel with Tai Global Elective was one of the best decisions I have made for my medical career. I worked with Doctors in all medical fields and completed rotations to see what department was best suited for me. The experiences and challenges I encountered really taught me the value of medicine in a developed country. The experience was much more than I initially anticipated; it allowed me to grow as an individual and see what kind of Doctor I want to be. You learn how to handle high-pressure situations and your presence truly makes a difference in the lives of many. If you are interested in volunteer work with local orphanages like myself, Tai Global organizes trips for you to do so. The crew was incredible, they tried their best to make you feel welcomed and right at home from the day you arrived to the day you left. I highly recommend anyone going into the Health Care professional to travel to Africa and work in a public hospital. The obstacles you face and overcome will change your life. Going in with an open mind I embraced the culture and the people around me and fell in love with Africa. I’ll be back one day!

Nisha Vanmali

Student University of Ontario Canada